“All children must live to be protected.” We, NPO Lali Guransu (Shakunage) Children's House,
act to support children by gathering our love, even though one person's love is small.


「2の事業」 の子育て支援活動は、コロナ禍以前は、西宮市教育委員会の『子供の居場所づくり事業』において当法人の『ぼっこ会』の『大型絵本・よみがたりライブ』を開催しておりました、が、この3年間は開催は見送られております。昨今、コロナも5類となりました故に、小学校に再開を働き掛けたいと存じます。
「3の事業」 のアジアの女性への支援活動は、コロナ禍に中止となっていたバザーが10月に開催されました。久し振りの開催に浮き立つ思いで準備を致しました。当日は以前と変わらぬ賑わいに力が湧いて参りました。
「4の事業」 ネットワーク構築事業においては、5の事業の朗読劇『火垂るの墓』の公演にあたり、火垂るの墓記念碑委員会、西宮市社会福祉協議会、西宮市立大社小学校、西宮市青少年愛護協議会のお力添えを賜り、大社小学校での上演に至りました。皆様に感謝申し上げます。
「5の事業」 の地域の方々との交流においては、当法人の『陽なたの会』による、朗読劇『火垂るの墓』の上演を通して交流を深めて参りました。上演は大社小学校のランチルームに舞台を組み、6月は西宮市青少年愛護協議会の総会において、また、2月には大社小学校5年生の『平和学習』に向けて上演、さらに地域の方々に向けてはリハーサル公開を致しました。観て下さった方々からは「平和への願い」と活動への励ましが寄せられました。


                                  理事長 田中 裕子

NPO: SHAKUNAGE CHILDREN’S HOME – 2022/2023 Annual Activity Report

Time to update our activities between April 1, 2022 through March 31,2023, and time to express my deepest gratitude to you all for your generosity and collaboration between us. To our great relief, most of cancelled or postponed events or public gatherings had been rescheduled by this summer.

[Activity 1] Our support program for Nepalese children, now 24th year this year, has revived as before, under the agreement with SAHARA Children’s Home. However, because of the corona pandemic, we have not had a chance to meet any of them, not even two teenagers, Alisha and Sneha, both 18 years old. According to the information from SAHARA, they finished 12-year scholastic course and will leave SAHARA definitely. I cannot help but feel deep emotion thinking over 10 students having achieved so far and left home. I pray for them, Alisha and Sneha, a safe and peaceful road ahead to their future.

[Activity 2] Before the outbreak of corona pandemic, we used to carry on our workshops “ Bokko-no-kai”, and its “Read and Narrate Aloud Big Sized Book” within the administrative capacity of Nishinomiya City Board of Education. The past three years, however, our plan has been postponed because of the spread of corona infection. Now that corona virus changed recently to type EG5 (5類RUI), we think it a good timing to reopen the vaccination campaign targeting some of our local elementary schools.

[Activity 3] Our program to support Asian women became possible and realized by opening a bazar in October 2022 , which we had to cancel several times in the past because of the pandemic. Everybody got excited at the successful reopening of the event after a long interval.

[Activity 4] As to the interactive network building, we received a warm encouragement and support not only from the Memorial Committee of Foundation for “Grave of the Fireflies,” but also from Nishinomiya City Council of Social Welfare, Nishinomiya-City Elementary Schools, and City Council of Social Welfare for Young Generation. We deeply thank you for your support in this regard.

[Activity 5] The performance of “Grave of the Fireflies” further deepened our ties with one another. “Grave of the Fireflies” was included in the elementary school curriculum “PEACE”, by the courtesy of Memorial Monument Erection Committee and Japan Youth Development Association. As you are well aware of, the past few years have been full of ups and downs like a boat tossed around by waves. But we repeated rehearsals to confront difficult situation.

NPO Shakunage Children’s Home (D.F. July 2022) Yuko Tanaka (Directress)

令和4年度〜令和5年度(2022~2023年) 活動詳細
特定非営利活動法人 シャクナゲ・子供の家 TEL:0798 - 72 - 5876 FAX:0798 - 72- 5876