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事務局所在地:〒659-0086 芦屋市三条南町5-10 ロイヤル芦屋川203号
電    話:0798 - 72 - 5876
ファックス :0798 - 72 - 5876
e-mail :npo@npo-syakunage.com  npo_shakunage@yahoo.co.jp
設    立:1992年 4月 2名のボランティアで発足
       1999年 12月 任意団体 NPOシャクナゲ・子供の家発足
       2009年 4月 NPO法人認可
目    的:アジアの恵まれない育成環境に置かれた子供たちに対して、健全な成長を願い、彼らを支援する事業を行う。
アクセス  :JR甲南山手駅下車 徒歩 5分 * JR芦屋駅下車 徒歩12分 * 阪急電鉄芦屋川駅下車  徒歩12分

Our summary

Address: Royal Ashiyagawa 203, 5-10, Sanjo minami cho, Ashiya city, Hyogo 6590086
Tel & Fax: 0798-72-5876 Email: npo@npo-syakunage.com /  npo_shakunage@yahoo.co.jp
Apr 1992 - Started education support with two volunteers.
Dec 1999 - Established a private organization NPO Lali Guransu Children's House.
Apr 2009 - Granted as 'Shakunage' nonprofit corporation.
Aim: To Provide support to raise poor children in Asia.
Access: 5 minutes walk from JR Konan yamate station / 12 minutes walk from JR Ashiya station / 12 minutes walk from Hankyu Ashiyagawa station



    個人年会費 1口 3,000円~
    団体年会費 1口 3,000円(但し2口以上)
    個人年会費 1口 1,000円~
    団体年会費 1口 5,000円(但し2口以上)
     郵便振替口座 00980-6-271609
     銀行振替口座 ゆうちょ銀行  店番 438(普)9351568


チャリティー催し、バザー、講演会、旅行等のご案内を致します。 年間の活動報告便りを致します。 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

-To become a member of Lali Guransu (Shakunage) Children's House

We,“Lali Guransu (Shakunage) Children's House” have a system of becoming a regular member or a supporting member who agrees with our activities.
Regular member: A person who has a right to vote at a general meeting and act together.
 * Individual annual fee per share: 3000yen-
 * Group annual fee per share: 3000yen (more than 2 shares)
Supporting member : A person who can support us without joining the activities.
 * Individual annual fee per share: 1000yen-
 * Group annual fee per share: 5000yen (more than 2 shares)  * There is no entrance fee for both members.
Application : Please deposit the fee to the accounts below by specifying which member you would like to be.
Payment : NPO Shakunage Kodomono Ie
 P.O. Saving Transfer account / 00980-6-271609
 Bank Saving Transfer account/ Yucho Bank,
 Branch number 438 / Account number (Futsu) 9351568
For members : We will inform you when a bazaar, charity events, trips and lecture meetings will be
 held and we will send you an annual report.

サハラ子供の家の児童の学資支援 契約書

サハラ子供の家所在地:Bagmati, Kavre, Dhulikhel, Nagar, Paloika-6, Nepal
1)事務局 NPO法人シャクナゲ・子供の家
  電 話:0798‐72‐5876 e-mail:shakunage1999@gmail.com
  振込先:ゆうちょ銀行総合口座 14390 93515681 名義:特定非営利活動法人シャクナゲ・子供の家
  代表者:田中 裕子
  住 所
  電 話
  年 齢
  学 年
  年   月~    年   月
5)支援額1児童に当たり年間15,000円 (学費・文房具・制服・鞄・他雑費含む)
── 契約事項 ──
第1条 学資支援者は、支援に当たる児童を表記条件で支援する。学資支援額
第2条 学資支援者は、表記支援額を年度初め4月に表記の方法でNPO法人シャクナゲ・子供の家に支払うものとする。学資支援額の改定
第3条 NPO法人シャクナゲ・子供の家は、契約期間中であっても、ネパール国の経済事 情及び学費の変動により、支援額が不相当となった時は支援額を改定することができる。
第4条 当学資支援の契約期間は表記の通りとする。期間満了の際、NPO法人シャクナ ゲ・子供の家及び学資支援者に異議がないときはさらに1年間期間を延長することができる。
第5条 NPO法人シャクナゲ・子供の家は、支援期間中において生じた学年進級不可並びに非合法な行為に対して、一切その責を負わないものとする。
第6条 契約期間中にNPO法人シャクナゲ・子供の家または学資支援者が契約を解約するときは、表記期日までにその旨を相手方に対して通知するものとする。 2、NPO法人シャクナゲ・子供の家及び学資支援者が下記の条項の一つに該当した時は、互いに催告をしないで本契約を解除することができる。
第7条 この契約に関する紛争については、学資支援者の移住地を管轄する裁判所を各当 事者合意の裁判所とする。
第8条 本契約に定めのない事項については関係法規に従い、誠意をもって協議するもの とする。


for Education Child sponsorship
SAHARA children's House addre: Bagmati, Kavre, Dhulikhel, Nagar, Paloika-6, Nepal
1) Office- NPO Corpration Shakunage・Children's house
The address : 5-10-203,Sanjyominami-machi, Ashiya-city, Hyogo, 659-0086 Japan
Tel : 0798-72-5867
e-mail address : hakunage1999@gmail.com
Bank Wire:Japan Post Bank (Youcho bank) Account number:1430 93515681 Name:tokutei hieiri katsudohojin shakunage・kodomonoie
Daihyosya:Yuko Tanaka
2) The supporter's (Child sponsorship) name
The supporter's (Child sponsorship)address
The supporter's (Child sponsorship)TEL
The supporter's (Child sponsorship)mail address
3) Name of the child who receives the support
The child age
The child's school name and the year (grade)
Hand in the agreement papers
・A letter from the child
・The child school's grade (record)
・A letter of recommendation from the NGO SAHARA
4) The supporting term
month year to month year
5) The support amount _ 15,000 yen a year for one child (Includes- school fee, stationery, uniform, bag, other expenses)
Contract Article
(A Purpose and a condition of the Education support service)
Article 1 supporter should follow the condition for the child.
(About the support amount)
Article 2 The supporter needs to pay the amount to NPO Corporation Shakunage ・Children's House in April as signing the contract.
(A Revision of the support amount)
Article 3 NPO Corporation Shakunage is able to revise the support amount due to increase and decrease when the Nepal's economic conditions or the school fee change, in spite of it been during the contract term. (Contract Term)
Article 4 The contract term of "The Education support service" is as described below. When expired, it is possible to extend the contract term to 1 year in case of no objections between the NPO Corporation Shakunage and the supporter.
(An Exemption Clause)
Article 5 The NPO Corpration Shakunage will not incur when the child will fail because of poor school grade or the attendance, or there will be something illegal during the contract term.
2 This contarct will be canceled without notification in cases as described below.
(1) The child will fail because of poor school grade or the attendance.
(2) The child will be something illegal during the contract term.
(Contract Cancellation)
Article 6 When the NPO Corporation Shakunage ・Children's House or the supporter cancels the contract during the contract, he or she should notify the other party by the expiry date.
2 The NPO Corporation Shakunage ・Children's House or the supporter is able to cancel the contract due to cases as described below. (1) Due to falling in payment (2) The supporter admits that the NPO Corporation Shakunage ・ Children's House doesn't perform well. (3) In violation of each article.
(The Agreement Control)
Article 7 If there are any conflicts arising from this contract, the court controlling the supporter's residence will be a court of agreement between the persons concerned.
(The Matter of Discussion)
Article 8 A matter not existing in this contract will be discussed with honesty.
特定非営利活動法人 シャクナゲ・子供の家 TEL:0798 - 72 - 5876 FAX:0798 - 72- 5876